Developing Real Estate Course- Overview
The Who, What, Where, Why and How Principles-1 Hour Course
In analyzing the purchase of an existing commercial building, the basic premise of the, who, what, where, why and how principles still apply. Attracting rent-paying tenants remains the most important aspect of any commercial real estate development, whether it’s a new building or existing commercial building.
This course explores the how-how does a developer reasonably assess and analyze the true “all in” cost of purchasing an existing commercial real estate project.
Everything you need to take this course is included in the class. However if you want more information please visit our web site. You can purchase the full text book and workbook on our web site and additional information can be found at
Bob Wehrmeyer
Introduction (Reading and Audio)
FREE PREVIEWOutline of the Who, What, Where, Why and How Principles
Video of Who, What, Where, Why and How Principles
Audio (only) to Principles Video
Three Keys to Developing Commercial Real Estate (Reading)